Jeff Sinclair

Jeff meditating with open eyes

I teach mindfulness meditation using Shinzen Young’s Unified Mindfulness approach. After practicing on my own for many years I found UM and learned how to effectively share mindfulness with others. It’s my greatest passion to be able to help others on this path that has transformed my life so much and see what impact it has on them. I’ve taught mindfulness classes at the CarMax Home Office since 2019. You can find many of my free guided meditations on Insight Timer as well as through the courses on this site.

Getting support by working with a coach like me is one of the most effective things you can do for your practice.

As a Unified Mindfulness coach, I adhere to the ethical guidelines of Unified Mindfulness

Unified Mindfulness Ethical Guidelines


If you wish to support my coaching with a donation, please donate via my Insight Timer Profile