More Focus and Peace: Expert Mindfulness Training to Transform Your Life

Birds flying in a twilight sky with orange clouds
Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash

Mindfulness is an incredibly powerful tool to help you achieve almost any goal you can imagine. You may think it’s just about relaxation, but it’s so much more than that.

Want to find relief from the daily onslaught of annoyances, slights, and anxieties? Mindfulness can help with that.

Want to soak up the maximum amount of fulfillment from the good things in life? Mindfulness can help with that.

Want to gain insight into who you really are at all levels, even the deepest? Mindfulness can help with that.

Want to optimize your performance in business, sport, music or arts? Mindfulness can help with that.

Want to feel more connected, experience more love and presence with the people in your life? Mindfulness can help with that.

Train the skills to cultivate your well-being

It may be simple to learn how to meditate, but I can show you how to get the most out of your practice, and how to transform your entire life by developing the skills of Concentration Power, Sensory Clarity, and Equanimity.

What are these skills? They make up Shinzen Young’s definition of what Mindfulness is – these three skills, working together. To break it down:

Concentration Power – The ability to focus on what you deem relevant in the moment.

Sensory Clarity – The ability to track and explore your sensory experience (all the information coming into you senses) in real time.

Equanimity – The ability to allow your sensory experience to come and go without push or pull.

This skills-based understanding of mindfulness practice, created by Shinzen Young, allows you to unlock a tremendous amount of potential. These focus skills are naturally available to us all. But we experience them in varying strengths. With systematic focus training in the Unified Mindfulness system of Shinzen Young, you can reliably develop all three of these skills to massively improve your life

Train with me for an “industrial-strength” mindfulness practice

Jeff meditating with open eyes

Let me show you the optimal way to strengthen these incredibly powerful attentional skills to address any challenge or meet any goal you may have in your life. I teach in a way that is approachable, relatable, and practical. Whether you are religious – in any tradition – spiritual, or totally secular, these are human capacities that anyone can develop to enhance their life.

My clients have commented about my authenticity, empathy, and deep listening skills. They tell me they feel heard, understood, and valued.

I teach from my own deep practice experience, along with my rigorous training from the Unified Mindfulness organization. Unified Mindfulness is an evidence-based system of mindfulness, with clear terminology and rigorous precision. It is secular, non-judgmental, and inclusive.

Getting support from a coach like me is one of the most effective things you can do for your practice. I can help you identify and overcome obstacles in your practice so you don’t get stuck spinning your wheels. If you want to reap the benefits more quickly, work with me.

I use a highly adaptable coaching style that is personalized to your unique goals and needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Your success in your practice goals is my goal, and I’ll collaborate with you to get there. My teaching is grounded in compassion, kindness, and connection.

I make mindfulness easy to understand and apply to your own life. It’s highly accessible, and yet can go as deep as you want to go.

Please contact me today to set up an introductory call.

Credentials and Experience

I currently have a certificate as a Unified Mindfulness Coach, and will complete my full Teacher/Trainer certification in June 2025.

I’ve taught mindfulness since 2019 when I first became a Unified Mindfulness Coach. In that time I’ve taught classes to hundreds of students, as well as published numerous guided meditations on Insight Timer. I’ve practice daily since 2014, as well as for a few years in the 2000s. I’ve accumulated over 1300 hours of formal practice including sits at home, practice during life activity, and practice on intensive retreats both residential and virtual. Much of my teaching has been done in a Corporate setting, helping hundreds of my coworkers live happier lives.

Free Guided Meditations

Check out my guided meditations on Insight Timer below for a sample of my voice and teaching.

As a Unified Mindfulness coach, I adhere to the ethical guidelines of Unified Mindfulness

Unified Mindfulness Ethical Guidelines


If you wish to support my coaching with a donation, please donate via my Insight Timer Profile